KYC under FATCACRS Effective November 1, 2015, all new investors who wish to purchase units of mutual funds have to provide additional KYC related information required for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) CRS compliance. From January 1, 2016 even existing investors who wish to make fresh purchases, need to complete the additional KYC requirements. Form `Supplementary KYC, FATCA, CRS selfcertification form' needs to be filled by the investors to comply with the additional KYC requirement . This form is available on mutual fund or Registrar's websites and is available at investor service centres of AMCs . Information The form requires an individual to provide information about hisher country and place of birth, occupation, income details, net worth, whether he is a politically exposed person, tax residency status and tax identification number. If the investor is a tax resident of that country, details about the taxpayer identification number and the name of the coun...
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