How to Obtain a forex card A forex card is a safe option to carry while travelling abroad. It also protects against exchange rate fluctuations during the travel period. It is very easy to obtain a forex card and it can be bought from any authorised dealer or bank. Form A prescribed form must be filled by the traveller. This can be downloaded from the bankdealer website or from the nearest branch. Some banks also provide for online application for forex cards. Type of cards A multi currency card allows more than one currency to be loaded. A student card bundles insurance and discounts on educational material. Choose a card according to your requirements. Information Personal details of the traveller, dates of travel, passport number, PAN, types of foreign currency to be loaded on the card should be filled in. Amount of forex to be loaded should be mentioned in the form. Fees A card issuance fee may be charged by the bank at the rates prescribed from time to time. Documents The applica...
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