Invest In Tax Saving Mutual Funds Online Download Tax Saving Mutual Fund Application Forms Buy Gold Mutual Funds Call 0 94 8300 8300 (India) IDBI Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme Series 1 now IDBI has also filed a prospectus for their own RGESS Fund, and it differs from the SBI RGESS fund in some fundamental ways. First of all this is a close ended scheme where SBI RGESS was an open ended scheme. The lock in period of this fund is 3 years but it will list in NSE and BSE so people can trade the units on the exchange. I'm not sure what the situation with other mutual funds is right now and how liquid they are to trade in the stock exchange, and if you are investing in this scheme then it's better to assume that your money will be locked in for 3 years. The fund has a lock in period of 3 years because the RGESS requires it – how SBI doesn't have such a lock in is not clear to me, but IDBI has clearly specified this lock-in ...
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