Interest rates have been rising since RBI started tightening key policy rates to curb inflationary expectations. Going forward, uncertainty will remain active in markets. So, Pramerica MF believes "Treasury Management" funds are well suited to capture the opportunities provided by the current economic scenario and Pramerica MF's latest offering– Pramerica Treasury Advantage Fund, an open ended debt scheme, provides such an opportunity.
Investment Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide reasonable returns, commensurate with moderate level of risk and high degree of liquidity, through a portfolio constituted of money market and debt instruments. The fund manager will manage the fund based on the outlook on interest rates and liquidity etc. The current investment strategy in the backdrop of present economic scenario will be overweight position (90-95% of the portfolio) in 12-18 months high quality papers yielding higher interest income and minor portion (5-10% of the portfolio) in 3-6 months assets.
Fund Manager: Mr. Mahendra Jajoo will be the Fund Manager of the scheme. He has done B.Com and holds ACA, ACS, CFA degrees. He has over 19 years of experience in financial services and capital markets. Mr. Jajoo also manages almost all debt schemes and debt portion of equity funds of the fund house.
AMC Performance: Pramerica MF has been around for just less than one year and has launched 6 funds and one FMP. It's assets under management, as on March 31, 2011, stand at Rs.1629.37 crores.
Suitability: The scheme is a medium term investment option suitable for one year investment horizon.
Basic Details:
NFO Opens: June 1, 2011
NFO Closes: June 2, 2011
NFO Price: Rs.1000 per unit
Options: Growth and Dividend
Minimum Application Amount: Rs 5000
Exit Load: Nil
Benchmark: CRISIL Short Term Bond Fund Index
Fund Manager: Mr. Mahendra Jajoo